According to a clipping from a Dutch newspaper from 1920, a demonstration match in women’s water polo took place at Antwerp Olympic Games, 1920. The game was discussed as following:
"This was an event that was very much liked. The demonstration was very successful and many foreign-swimming authorities gave their great appreciation for the match played by the Dutch female swimmers." The teams were composed as follows:
Team A: T. Nijland, Helweg, Wijninck, Van Laar, Maria M. Beisenherz, G. Klapwijk, Knuyt.
Team B: C. van Stok, T. Nyland, Van Tol, Evelein, Duykers, Hoogakker, A. C. Bolten.
The referee was Mr. Delahaye. The result of the match was a 2-2 tie.”
Source: Citius, Altius, Fortius, Vol 2(2), article by Tony Bijkerk.
Photo: Women Water Polo team of 1927 (Brighton Ladies Water Polo)
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