Monday, October 26, 2009

1972, Munich: The National team of Bulgaria

The National team of Bulgaria during the World Qualification Pre-Olympic tournament held in Munich on May 1972. The Bulgarian National team took part at Munich 1972 Olympics (has been ranked at the 11th place).
Standing L-R:
Kovachev, A. Konstantinov, L. Runtov (goalkeeper), Al. Shpitzer, L. Hadzhisotirov (coach), B.Naumov (goalkeeper), P. Brankov, M. Hristov. Squatting L-R: Gerginov, V. Tomov, T. Tomov, M. Popov, B. Konstantinov.
Source: courtesy of Dr. Ivan Tsanov, Secretary General ABS, Editor-in-chief FBSS,